Broomhill Infant School

Broomhill Infant
and Nursery School

Year 2 - Fir





Welcome to Fir Class where we are inquisitive, compassionate and optimistic. We have a real love for learning and enjoy asking questions to deepen our understanding. Our class motto is ‘Mistakes help you grow’ this is profoundly embedded in our attitude towards learning. We are each other's biggest supporters, celebrate every win and always offer help. We enjoy being outdoors in nature and make every effort to look after our local community. We strive to be polite and respectful and love making new friends. We always put others before ourselves and love making each other smile. If you want to find Fir Class, follow the sound of fun and laughter!

In Fir Class, your teachers are Miss Stephanie and Miss Lindsay. Miss Stephanie enjoys travelling, eating yummy food and taking photographs. Miss Lindsay enjoys painting, visiting castles and eating out with friends.

P.E. days are on Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child will need to come to school wearing their P.E. kit on these days. We follow the Real P.E. scheme to provide the children with fun, high-quality teaching.

As a school, we follow Bug Club to teach Phonics. The children have access to Bug Club at home where they can consolidate their learning through exciting books, games and lessons linked to our weekly phoneme/grapheme and your child’s reading level. There is no set day for book change. The children are welcome to change their book once they’ve finished the whole book (or read it three times) and have answered comprehension questions linked to their book with an adult.

All children have access to Doodle Maths (Maths) and Purple Mash (ICT) at home to consolidate their learning and develop their interests further.