Nature, Nurture, Knowledge
“Your uniqueness is what makes you shine”
We believe that every child is special and we give children the confidence and knowledge to shine. We inspire children to be passionately curious and engage with the physical world around them. To see and explore the beauty of the community in which they live, enabling them to understand the impact that they can have on the world around them.
The threads that bond our curriculum together are….
- Rich experiences of vocabulary
- A nurturing environment
- Equality and diversity
- Nature
Whilst benefiting from being part of a big city, Broomhill has beautiful natural spaces like Eastwood Farm and Nightingale Woods. This alongside, the school’s wooded areas and garden forms the nature element of our curriculum. We encourage our children to explore, learn from, and look after these spaces within the school and community.
Inclusion and well being is at the heart of everything we do. We have designd our curriculum to nurture a child’s sense of identify, celebrate difference and make every child feel valued.
Every child reaches their full potential and has a love of learning. Children are proud of the progress they make, they develop a love of reading and writing, they are able to use rich vocabulary, confidently problem solve and reason and have a curiosity of the world around them.
“The school is a friendly, happy and inclusive place for pupils to learn. Leaders and
staff aspire for all pupils to succeed. The school’s motto, ‘Nature, Nurture,
Knowledge’, is carefully woven into exciting learning experiences for pupils. Pupils
are excited to find things out and keen to do their best. As a result, there is a
purposeful buzz of activity throughout the school.” Ofsted 2022