Broomhill Infant School

Broomhill Infant
and Nursery School

Cherry Blossoms








Welcome to Cherry Blossoms class.

Kelly works Monday to Thursday. She enjoys leading the weekly Charanga, music sessions, which the children love! She is also passionate about developing the children’s language skills using Makaton. She has supported Broomhill to become a Makaton friendly school.

Debbie works Wednesday to Friday. She is enthusiastic about delivering her mirror play sessions in both Apple and Cherry Blossoms. She helps the children to express their feelings, imaginations through drawing and sensory mirror activities. She also enjoys delivering exciting and creative activities with food, which offer the children opportunities to extend their experiences with and to explore new foods.

Jenny enjoys challenging the children with their workstation activities. She likes to think of creative tasks for them to do following their interests. She also loves to cook with the children, helping them to follow recipes to make yummy treats.

Hannah enjoys taking the children for rebound sessions which supports the children to self-regulate. She is passionate about developing the children’s communication skills and enjoys her speech and language sessions with the children.

Chivonne has recently joined the team as our SMSA.  She also works across the week helping our teachers deliver fun activities & interventions based on our interests.