State of Being
At Broomhill Infants we use States of being to help us think deeper about our learning. These help the children to consider the purpose of what they are learning and how it relates to real life. We feel it is important that our children are introduced to role-models and develop aspirations from a young age. At the start of each lesson or when introducing new learning, teachers talk about what state of being the children will be focused on. Today are they being a scientist or a historian? A musician or a philosopher? Below are the different states of being we use in our school.
Scientists, experiment and try things out. They want to find better ways to do things and improve things that already exist. They question the world around them making predictions and observing closely.
Engineers, solve problems. An Engineer will keep trying and testing their ideas until they work. An Engineer can invent, design, build and test.
Artists, explore different types of art. They are creative using their skills to draw, paint, and sculpt.
Mathematicians, use their number, shape and measure knowledge to solve problems.
Designers, think about new ideas, changing how things can look or be made.
Authors, use written words to tell people their ideas. They can be creative and informative.
Philosophers, think deeply about things they have been told. They use their knowledge to think of new ideas.
Historians, find out about places, people and events in the past.
Geographers. ask questions about our planet and understand about the world we live in.
Musicians. explore different types of music. They can compose pieces of music, play an instrument or sing.
Athletes, play and competes in sports that involve, strength, speed, endurance and co-ordination. They may be part of a team or an individual sport.