Broomhill Infant School

Broomhill Infant
and Nursery School


“ Our strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” Steven R Covey

At Broomhill infant School we believe that it is important to learn about religious and non-religious world views in order to help our children better understand and respect what people believe and why. It challenges their thinking whilst developing a deeper understanding of the many lifestyles and cultures that may live within their community or the wider world. It is a way to teach them about differences and common values regardless of a person’s belief system and we hope that it will give children the freedom and confidence to question viewpoints, be proud of their own beliefs and to ask some of the bigger questions in life that may occur to them. In teaching RE systematically and passionately we shape a more accepting generation of children who have the confidence to stand up for both themselves and others, having been exposed to the vocabulary to clearly articulate their own beliefs.

re milestones document 21 22.pdf