Broomhill Infant School

Broomhill Infant
and Nursery School


“The only way to learn Mathematics is to do Mathematics” Paul Halmos

We want our children to develop a love of maths and think like mathematicians. Through a wide range of hands-on experiences, children explore maths in the world around them. Linked to our Tinkering Tuesdays (STEM), visiting professionals, such as engineers or carpenters, show children real life application of maths. We use visitors to challenge some of the misconceptions our children have about maths and gender roles in society. We endeavour to ensure that children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards maths that will stay with them throughout their lives. Throughout their time at Broomhill, children will develop a clear understanding of number and calculation. Opportunities to develop mathematical fluency will be planned into every lesson. We provide challenge through rich and sophisticated problems based around real life scenarios, using the natural environment. We encourage children to not be scared to make mistakes, but see them as a learning opportunity. Children will be able to explain their reasoning using their rich bank of mathematical vocabulary.

illustrated milestones document 2023.pdf