Broomhill Infant School

Broomhill Infant
and Nursery School

Assessment and Data

Reporting to Parents

There are three formal meetings between teachers, children and parents throughout the year and report forms where progress is discussed.

We encourage parental/carer engagement in your child’s learning journey, having an open door policy to talk about any concerns. Child progress and development is captured on Tapestry, an online learning platform that you are able to view and update.


There are two purposes to assessment.

The first is constant and ongoing where the teachers assess the children to ascertain what their next steps in learning are. If a teacher understands where a child is with their learning, they can see where they need to go next. This is very much reflected in the ‘next steps’ that is used throughout the school.

The second is more formal in that we measure each child’s progress against the Early Learning Goals and the National Curriculum Levels. This assessment is done through a variety of methods that include discussion, marking, testing and APP (Assessing Pupils’ Progress).

At the end of the Foundation Stage and KS1 the assessments are reported to the Local Authority and the DfE. In Year 1, the children’s progress in learning phonics is also checked by a national test.



Full details can be found here.

Due to Covid-19 disruptions to education, the government announced that it will not publish any school level educational performance data for the 2019/20 academic year.  The government has now also announced that for the 2020 to 2021 academic year, schools will be held accountable for their test and assessment results, but given the impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the data, it will not be published in the 2020 to 2021 academic year performance tables. More information can be found here.

data reports for website.pdf