Broomhill Infant School

We are Musicians, Geographers and Scientists!

October 2, 2022

This week Sycamore Class have been busy making music, exploring materials and helping our local community.

Through the week the children have been out and about around the school and local area on a litter pick.
They sorted the rubbish collected into recyclable and non-recyclable materials. They also looked for different physical and human features of the local area and recorded these. One group were very sad to see some discarded lego on the street so they wrote a letter to Miss Hayley asking how they could help.

They also undertook a science experiment, exploring different materials to see which ones could change shape. They tried to bend, twist, squash and stretch some different items including a fabric sock, a metal spoon and an elastic band and recorded their findings on their experiment sheet.
We had some very shocked faces when they realised that they could bend the metal spoons!

In our music lessons we have been learning the song ‘Hands, Feet, Heart’. We started by learning the words to the song and this week we had our first try using the glockenspiel. The children had to listen carefully to the rhythm and watch the screen to see when they had to play their note. They did a fantastic job and we will keep working on it ready to perform at the end of term.

Have a look at the video below to see some photos.