Broomhill Infant School

The Lighthouse Keeper’s sandwiches!

April 3, 2022

This term we have been learning the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ and this week the children had a go at making their own sandwiches, like Mrs Grinling does in the story.

They were given a set of instructions, their ingredients and equipment and had to work together to read and follow the instructions carefully to make their sandwich by themselves. They worked in pairs with one person reading while the other listened and followed, then swapped over.
As an extra challenge, the children had to choose whether to cut their sandwiches into halves or quarters, linking in with our maths unit of work about fractions!

They were all brilliant at listening to each other and made their sandwiches with no help from the adults! Next week they are going to try writing their own instructions for how they made their sandwich.

Have a look at the photos to see our fantastic culinary skills!!