Broomhill Infant School

Sycamore are Bee Learners!

February 4, 2022

This week the children have had lots of opportunities to become Bee Learners and have really enjoyed working together on lots of different activities.

In provision they have enjoyed working alongside friends to recap their knowledge of doubles, challenge themselves to use contractions in their writing and sort living things into either urban, woodland, coastal or pond habitats.

In PE they had to work with a partner to create a sequence of movements including high and low balances and try to be in sync with each other.

In our Computing lesson the children had to help each other log in to Purple Mash and reply to an email from a character in a safe and responsible way, working together to type their responses and attach images.

Sycamore love being Artists and this week they have had the opportunity to work together on some brilliant pieces. In PSHE they had to work as a team to create their ‘Garden of Dreams’ and then in our Art lesson they used their ideas from previous weeks to contribute to our whole class Coat of Arms collage. The children were given a piece of the collage, either ‘Nature’, ‘Nurture’, ‘Knowledge’ or ‘ELLI’ and had to decide together which images most represented how we as a class show the school ethos. We think they did an amazing job and the coat of arms is proudly hanging on display in our classroom now.

Have a look at the video to find out more!