Broomhill Infant School

Children in Need!

November 19, 2022

It’s been another fun and busy week in Sycamore Class!

The children have been exploring the artistic tools on Purple Mash, using the class computers, laptops and ipads. They practised logging in, using the ‘tools’ function and had a go at selecting different art styles to create digital pictures. They then saved their work and we shared their creations on the big whiteboard.

This week it has been Anti-Bullying Week and we have been thinking about how important it is to celebrate our differences and to learn from each other. The children learned the word ‘unique’ and talked about what makes them special. They then designed odd socks to express their individuality.

On Friday we raised money for Children in Need by having a dress up day.
The children found out about the different ways their donations would be helping others around the UK. They completed a Pudsey themed wordsearch and designed their own versions of Pudsey bear.

Have a look at some photos below: