Broomhill Infant School

Term 5 in Apple Class …

May 25, 2024

What a fantastic term we have had full of exploration and learning opportunities! We began the term learning more about Eid and how some of the children in our school celebrate it. One of the children in Apple Class gave a great presentation of how she celebrated with her family.

We discussed Earth Day and what we can do to help look after our planet. After our discussion the children voted on what we could make using recyclable materials and decided on a giant planet earth collage!

Our non-fiction book for term 5 has been ‘From Tadpole to Frog’ and the children learned all about the lifecycle of a frog and wrote facts about tree frogs, goliath frogs and poison dart frogs in their writing books. We had a tank of tadpoles in the classroom and we were super impressed with how fantastic the children were at looking after them; the children helped to feed them and clean the tank out regularly. The children were excited to check on them each day and note any developments and were fascinated with their transformation into froglets then frogs! During Tinkering Tuesday the children worked in groups to create frog habitat dioramas, we were very impressed with how they worked so well in together which resulted in truly impressive and well thought out dioramas.

During Aspirations Day we had some special visitors who came in and talked to the children about their jobs. The children thought about their own aspirations for the future and the following day came to school dressed in the clothing they would wear in their future careers; we had a doctor, vets, builders, a train driver, a singer, a horse rider, a violinist, footballers and even a cowboy!

We visited St. Luke’s church to learn more about the role of the church in our community. Whilst there the children explored inside the church; they went on an angel hunt, looked for treasure boxes, took part in bell ringing, drew pictures, listened to stories and helped create a new song!

Towards the end of the term, the children had a very exciting WOW Day to introduce the term’s ‘Talk for Writing’ book. The day began with a video showing a giant beanstalk erupting out of the ground in our forest area! The children were astounded and rushed outside where they discovered giant footprints, which led them to the forest area. In the forest area, they found a cow, beans, gold coins and a hen with golden eggs along with a Jack in the Beanstalk book. Later the children planted bean seeds in a jar and over the course of three weeks wrote a bean diary, noting any changes and drew illustrations.

The children learned about autism and how children with autism may view the world differently. They looked at the work of the artist Iris Grace who has autism and then created their own paintings inspired by her work.

We held an art exhibition to show off some of the children’s incredible art work they have undertaken over the year with the children proving what great artists they are with an eye for detail!

We finished the term with the children brilliantly performing a class assembly where they showcased some of their wider curriculum learning over the term. Well done to all of the children in Apple Class – we are very proud of them 🙂