Broomhill Infant School

Term 5- What lives in our garden?

May 24, 2024

We have had a beautiful time this term learning about minibeasts and what lives in our garden. As part of this unit, we have followed the life cycle of a butterfly with live caterpillars in the classroom which then became chrysalides and then butterflies! This culminated in releasing the butterflies! We have been reading Jasper’s Beanstalk and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We also tried all of the fruits that the hungry caterpillar eats and have been learning about healthy eating and had a favourite fruit feast. This term we have also been learning about traffic safety, celebrating Beep Beep Day and going on a walk to Eastwood Farms while practising road safety. Our Tinkering Tuesday was to create bug hotels which were all beautifully created! Some even have minibeasts taking residence within! Thank you to all parents for your continued support.