Broomhill Infant School

Apple Blossoms-Term 5

May 24, 2024

The children in Apple Blossoms have had a busy term exploring various links to spring.

We have created some fantastic pieces of art, exploring colour through various media and experimenting with different tools and techniques to create different textures. The children’s art was used to create our Autism Awareness Tree and a swarm of minibeasts which are proudly displayed in the school hall.

The children’s interest in food led us to create a farm using food resources such as cereals and pasta, explore various fruit, salad and vegetables and we even made our own delicious smoothies!

We have had touches of spring both in our inside and outside areas where the children have enjoyed sprinkling, cutting, mixing, printing and transporting flowers, herbs, leaves and water creating various potions and mixtures in the mud kitchen areas.

The classroom has been full of messy play giving the children lots of opportunities to explore sensory mark making using foam, rice, chalks, pens and paint, focusing on the up and down movements from ‘Squiggle Whilst you Wiggle’ .