Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Sycamore

Tinkering Tuesday!

October 28, 2022

The last week of term was another busy one! We had our first Tinkering Tuesday of the year and the children had to plan, design and make a trap to catch the big, bad wolf. They worked so well in teams and all the teams were able to create a trap that included a pulley […]

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World Mental Health Day

October 16, 2022

This week has been another busy one for Sycamore. We celebrated World Mental Health Day by doing some yoga, working on our core strength in PE, taking a mindful walk in nature and creating our own Calm Clouds to remind us of some of the things we can do to help us feel happy and […]

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Harvest Festival and a visit from the Big, Bad Wolf…!!

October 9, 2022

This week the children enjoyed dropping off lots of Harvest donations to the church. We listened to a story from Reverend Sally and sang ‘Harvest Tango’ and ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ to celebrate this special time. This week we also had a scary visit from the Big, Bad Wolf! We have been reading ‘The Three Little Pigs’ […]

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