Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Sycamore

WOW Day!

April 29, 2022

To start the new term we had our WOW day to introduce our new Science topic, ‘Living things and their habitats’. The children researched different animals to find out where they lived and then planned to recreate them by turning cardboard boxes into habitat models. They were fantastic bee learners, working together to transfer their […]

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An Egg-cellent Easter!

April 15, 2022

Sycamore Class had a really busy last week of term but had lots of fun celebrating Easter together! We made Easter treats, practised our sewing skills, had a lovely afternoon decorating eggs with our families, then taking part in some egg rolling and we finished the term with an Easter bonnet parade and a quiz! […]

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The Lighthouse Keeper’s sandwiches!

April 3, 2022

This term we have been learning the story ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’ and this week the children had a go at making their own sandwiches, like Mrs Grinling does in the story. They were given a set of instructions, their ingredients and equipment and had to work together to read and follow the instructions carefully […]

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