Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

World Mental Health Day

October 16, 2022

We celebrated World Mental Health Day by doing some yoga, working on our core strength in PE, listening to relaxing music during provision and group times and creating our own Calm Clouds in PSHE to remind us of some things we can do to help us feel happy and calm. We also had an assembly […]

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October 9, 2022

Our Harvest Service at St. Peter’s church On Thursday, as a school, we walked down to St. Peter’s church to take donations for Harvest. We had a lovely service from Sally who spent time talking to us about Harvest, read us a story and we also performed our Harvest songs. Fir class performed ‘Harvest Tango’ […]

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Aspirations Day and a visit from Hicks Gate fire brigade!

January 23, 2022

ASPIRATIONS DAY! On Wednesday the children were invited to dress up as who they wanted to be when they are older. In Fir class, we had three police officers, three rockstars, two teachers, two kings, two builders, one scientist, one footballer, one author one head chef, one game creator, and one nurse. What a talented […]

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