Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

Remembrance Day

November 27, 2022

Historians This week we have been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day. We held a 2-minute silence to pay our respects to those who died in the wars and read the story ‘Flo of the Somme’ to learn about the different animals who helped during the wars. We learned about the soldiers’ lives in […]

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The Gunpowder Plot

November 6, 2022

This week we have been Hardworking Historians… We had a brilliant first week back in Fir class learning all about The Gunpowder Plot in History. We watched three videos which explained what happened before The Gunpowder plot and the reasons why Robert Catesby and his plotters wanted to kill King James I with Guy Fawkes’ […]

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Diwali and Tinkering Tuesday

October 24, 2022

Diwali On Monday, we spoke about the celebration of Diwali. We learnt lots of new information about Diwali through reading stories, a PowerPoint and a lovely assembly by Mrs Boden. We found Diwali to be a beautiful, enjoyable celebration with lots of colour, light and love. We especially loved looking at rangoli patterns which we […]

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