Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

Tinkering Tuesday – Bird feeders!

February 19, 2023

This term our challenge was to make eco-friendly bird feeders for our Year 2 outside area using recycled or natural materials. The children had a great time planning their bird feeders in small groups, thinking carefully about the materials they wanted to use and making sure that their feeders would be strong enough to hold […]

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Space art inspired by Peter Thorpe

February 19, 2023

We have been focusing on the artist Peter Thorpe this term in Fir class. We’ve really enjoyed looking at his amazing work and the vivid colours he has used. We have loved our space topic this term so we couldn’t wait to draw our own space art inspired by Peter Thorpe. We used bright, vivid […]

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Tinkering Tuesday

January 22, 2023

This week has been a busy one for Fir Class but we had lots of fun during our second Tinkering Tuesday of the year! Our Tinkering Tuesday challenge was to create a bridge. The children had to be bee learners, working in teams to build a bridge that was long enough to cross the water […]

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