Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

Poetry Trail at Nightingale woods

October 21, 2019

Children in Year 2 had great fun finding poetry clues in the forest last Monday. They met a character called Hawko as well as children from St Anne’s school. On Friday we returned to the woods to perform our innovated poems to the children at St Anne’s.

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Tinkering Tuesday is back!!

October 8, 2019

The children loved building eco-dens today in Year 2. Amazing Engineers with fantastic ideas about how to build environmentally friendly dens. We had wind turbines, solar panels and a living roof!

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October 3, 2019

The children in Fir class have been considering the impact that our rubbish has on our world! They have been sorting rubbish and working out whether it needs to go in the brown bin, the black box or the green box. Hopefully they have been helping out at home!

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