Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

Home Learning Celebration – Term 4 Week 1

February 26, 2021

We have had an exciting start to the new term in Fir Class with our Wow Day! Food Glorious Food is our new topic and we have enjoyed exploring the tastes and textures of different foods. We have also enjoyed making our own balances to weigh and measure different foods and objects. We have also […]

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Home Learning Celebration Week Six

February 11, 2021

We have had another busy week in Fir Class! We have celebrated Chinese New Year, sent Valentine messages to our friends and made our own Tudor houses. Thank you to all the parent teachers who have helped keep the children in Fir Class learning this term. You have been amazing! Watch our video to celebrate […]

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Home Learning Celebration Week Five

February 5, 2021

This week it was Children’s Mental Health week, so we have spent time each day being mindful. We have also spent time outside, thought about what a good friend is, written our own storybooks and ended the week with a pyjama day. Watch our video to find out more.

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