Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

Enhanced and Continuous Provision

June 19, 2021

Fir Class enjoy choosing and extending their own learning in our enhanced and continuous provision. Watch our video to find out some of the learning we get up to.

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WOW day and World Ocean Day

June 10, 2021

We have had a lovely week in Fir Class, with a WOW day introduction to our new topic ‘The Olympics’, which involved creating our own Olympic rings, designing an Olympic team kit and flag, and taking part in a mini Olympic games! We also loved World Ocean day, and signed the 30×30 Nature Petition, registered […]

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Bounce day in Fir Class!

May 26, 2021

We have had such a fantastic last day of term! To raise money for a school trampoline we took part in lots of different bounce activities. We played lots of bounce games including bouncing frogs and ping-pong balls on to a target and counting up our scores, bouncing and catching tiny and giant bubbles, creating […]

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