Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

Spectacular Sports Day!

July 10, 2021

Fir Class had lots of fun making posters and medals ready to cheer on their teams at Sports Day. They all enjoyed running, jumping, balancing and throwing, but mostly participating and having fun! Watch our video to see more.

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Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm

July 3, 2021

Fir Class had the most amazing adventure at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm. They were curious cats and asked and answered lots of questions about all of the different animals, their habitats, diets and senses! They enjoyed exploring the different play areas and they worked together to read maps and find their way out of the […]

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Tinkering Tuesday – Crazy Cranes!

June 26, 2021

This week in Tinkering Tuesday we had to make a crane that would lift a small bucket of water from the floor to the table. The children all designed their cranes and then worked together to build it before testing it! We finished the day by completing evaluations of our project. The children worked together […]

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