Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

We have started our Talk For Writing text in Fir Class this week…

September 17, 2021

We have been SUPER busy in Fir Class this week… We have had an amazing week starting our new Talk For Writing text – The Three Little Pigs. The children have really enjoyed reading the story, acting out, asking the wolf lots of questions, creating masks and puppets, creating a class and individual story maps […]

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Our first week in Fir Class!

September 10, 2021

Fir Class have had an amazing first week back at school! The children have all started to make some lovely friendships and have been kind, caring and supportive to each other all week which has been great to see. This week in Fir Class the children have been busy exploring their new classroom, hunting for […]

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Bertha the Butterfly’s Surprise!

July 17, 2021

Bertha the Butterfly surprised us with a trip to Victory Park and a game of rounders. We all had so much fun swinging, balancing, spinning and climbing. Some of us even scored our first rounder! The next day, Bertha surprised us again with some new paintbrushes, so we decided to surprise her by painting beautiful […]

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