Broomhill Infant School

Reception – Apple

Term 5 in Apple Class …

May 25, 2024

What a fantastic term we have had full of exploration and learning opportunities! We began the term learning more about Eid and how some of the children in our school celebrate it. One of the children in Apple Class gave a great presentation of how she celebrated with her family. We discussed Earth Day and […]

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Term 4 in Apple Class…

March 28, 2024

The children have had a fantastic term 4 full of exciting learning opportunities including making pancakes and a trip to Nightingale Valley to look for signs of spring and so much more, which you can read about below! Our ‘wow day’ to introduce our focus book began with the children solving a riddle, which led […]

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Our Wow Day, Tinkering Tuesday and Lunar New Year…

February 8, 2024

We began the term with a Wow Day to introduce our focus book of Jack Frost. The children had lots of fun in the snow, made snowflake biscuits, demonstrated great skill in cutting out paper snowflakes, they created wax resist pictures, painted with coloured ice, explored how to melt ice and created maps to show […]

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