Broomhill Infant School

Our Curriculum

Nature, Nurture, Knowledge

“Your uniqueness is what makes you shine”

We believe that every child is special and we give children the confidence and knowledge to shine. We inspire children to be passionately curious and engage with the physical world around them. To see and explore the beauty of the community in which they live, enabling them to understand the impact that they can have on the world around them.

The threads that bond our curriculum together are….

  • Rich experiences of vocabulary
  • A nurturing environment
  • Equality and diversity
  • Nature

Whilst benefiting from being part of a big city, Broomhill has beautiful natural spaces like Eastwood Farm and Nightingale Woods. This alongside, the school’s wooded areas and garden forms the nature element of our curriculum. We encourage our children to explore, learn from, and look after these spaces within the school and community.

Inclusion and well being is at the heart of everything we do. We have designd our curriculum to nurture a child’s sense of identify, celebrate difference and make every child feel valued.

Every child reaches their full potential and has a love of learning. Children are proud of the progress they make, they develop a love of reading and writing, they are able to use rich vocabulary, confidently problem solve and reason and have a curiosity of the world around them.

“The school is a friendly, happy and inclusive place for pupils to learn. Leaders and
staff aspire for all pupils to succeed. The school’s motto, ‘Nature, Nurture,
Knowledge’, is carefully woven into exciting learning experiences for pupils. Pupils
are excited to find things out and keen to do their best. As a result, there is a
purposeful buzz of activity throughout the school.” Ofsted 2022


“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents” Emille Buchwald

We want our children to gain a love of language and become confident speakers, attentive listeners, keen readers and expressive writers. We immerse them in a language rich environment, enabling them to explore, learn and use a wealth of vocabulary with understanding.

We nurture and inspire children to have a love of books through imaginative story-telling experiences and exposure to exciting texts. Our library has been carefully considered to reflect the cultures within our school and we are careful to challenge gender stereotypes in the books we share with children. We will expand on children’s interests to engage all of our learners through Topics that inspire and enthuse. Children will use nature to ignite the senses and provide rich experiences to draw from.

Our systematic approach to phonics starts in Nursery, giving the children the skills to bring vocabulary to life in their reading and writing.

We believe that writing should be purposeful and meaningful for children, providing rich experiences that provoke creativity and adventurous word choices. We will provide children with many opportunities to present their learning, ensuring that our own high expectations lead to a sense of pride when presenting their work.


“The only way to learn Mathematics is to do Mathematics” Paul Halmos

We want our children to develop a love of maths and think like mathematicians. Through a wide range of hands-on experiences, children explore maths in the world around them. Linked to our Tinkering Tuesdays (STEM), visiting professionals, such as engineers or carpenters, show children real life application of maths. We use visitors to challenge some of the misconceptions our children have about maths and gender roles in society. We endeavour to ensure that children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards maths that will stay with them throughout their lives. Throughout their time at Broomhill, children will develop a clear understanding of number and calculation. Opportunities to develop mathematical fluency will be planned into every lesson. We provide challenge through rich and sophisticated problems based around real life scenarios, using the natural environment. We encourage children to not be scared to make mistakes, but see them as a learning opportunity. Children will be able to explain their reasoning using their rich bank of mathematical vocabulary.


“The important thing is to never stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing” Albert Einstein

Children join their teachers on a voyage of discovery and become scientists. We inspire children to develop their curiosity and fascination. Through hands-on practical scientific experiments, questioning and discussions, children will marvel at the world in which they live, developing a respect for nature, their own community and appreciating how Science will impact on their future lives. The curriculum is carefully planned, ensuring that all children can relate to the Scientists that have shaped the modern world. Our curriculum immerses children in a wealth of scientific vocabulary and exploration.


“Engineering stimulates the mind. Kids get bored easily. They have got to get out and get their hands dirty: make things, dismantle things, fix things. When the schools can offer that, you’ll have an engineer for life.”

―Bruce Dickinson

We want our children to think like engineers, to find creative solutions to real life problems. Our Tinkering Tuesdays provide exciting experiences for children to become engineers, engaging in the process of designing, building, testing, evaluating and improving. Many of the projects consider our impact on the natural world, finding solutions to ecological problems. It is fundamental that children can communicate their ideas and work in a team. By working alongside professionals, children make connections between their learning and future aspirations, often challenging gender stereotypes.


“A child who sings is a happy child” Elder Enrique Falabella

We want children to think like Musicians. We believe that music brings communities together. By exposing children to a wide range of musical genres we foster a love of music and sound. Through Charanga Music lessons and Music in the environment, all children feel valued and free to express themselves. Children will explore different instruments, recreating sounds from nature. We will expose children to emotional connections that music can provide.


“We are not makers of History. We are made by History.” Martin Luther King JR

Our history curriculum inspires children to want to know more about the past and to think and act like historians. Children are immersed in local history and learn more about the significant events that they experience with their families. We nurture our children to be curious, ask perceptive questions and deepen their historical vocabulary. We ensure that children are introduced to significant figures in history that reflect the diversity of Bristol. Children will see themselves as historical investigators as history is brought to life through our Topics.


Geography is a subject which holds the key to our future”. Michael Palin

We want our children to think like geographers. We will give them the vocabulary to be able to articulate their geographical understanding. Our children will start with the geography in their local community, allowing them to become curious and fascinated through visits to Nightingale woods and Eastwood farm. They will become curious about the world around them, learning about the geography of their city and then the United Kingdom, making comparisons with the wider world. Our curriculum seeks to challenge cultural stereotypes, giving children a balanced view of the world. We will provide opportunities for children to learn from their friends and families who have connections with the wider world. Children will begin to appreciate their own impact on the geography of the world they live in.


“All children are born artists, the problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.” — Pablo Picasso

We don’t need our children to become artists at Broomhill Infants as they already are artists. We will give them opportunities to develop their creativity, curiosity and confidence through exploring a wide variety of media, materials and techniques and studying a diverse range of local, national and international artists. We encourage the children to discuss art, providing them with the vocabulary to articulate their thoughts. Children will be given the fundamental skills to be able to represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through art, dance, role-play and stories.


“Every winner was once a beginner”

At Broomhill we believe that children should be active. Children will be given opportunities to be active every day, in the natural environment, the classroom and through PE sessions. We will teach our children the fundamental skills needed to become successful in a variety of sports in the future. Communication is vital and from an early age children will be given the vocabulary to help themselves and others around them improve. It is our job to show children how to lead healthy active lives, providing them with a wide range of opportunities that make sport accessible to all. We will plant the seeds that will grow into future sporting choices.


‘I think it’s fair to say that personal computers have become the most empowering tool we’ve ever created.  They’re tools of communication, they’re tools of creativity and they can be shaped by their user.’ Bill Gates

At Broomhill we believe that children should have the opportunity to access computing in all areas of their education. We understand the importance of being computer literate and ensure children are able to use computer technology including programmable toys. Children are able to use computers confidently and safely to research and support their learning across the curriculum. We put a strong emphasis on staying safe online and ensure that this aspect of computing is also shared with parents and carers.


“ Our strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” Steven R Covey

At Broomhill infant School we believe that it is important to learn about religious and non-religious world views in order to help our children better understand and respect what people believe and why. It challenges their thinking whilst developing a deeper understanding of the many lifestyles and cultures that may live within their community or the wider world. It is a way to teach them about differences and common values regardless of a person’s belief system and we hope that it will give children the freedom and confidence to question viewpoints, be proud of their own beliefs and to ask some of the bigger questions in life that may occur to them. In teaching RE systematically and passionately we shape a more accepting generation of children who have the confidence to stand up for both themselves and others, having been exposed to the vocabulary to clearly articulate their own beliefs.


“One person can make a difference and everyone should try” John Fitzgerald Kennedy

At Broomhill Infant School our motto ‘Nature, Nurture, Knowledge’ is an integral part of our PSHE teaching. We believe that PSHE is a core skill and one which will impact the children’s learning and lifelong progress, hence we are committed to making sure that this provision is thorough, systematic and reflects the developing needs of our ever changing world. We take seriously the responsibility to provide our children with the knowledge and skills to develop into confident, caring adults who realise the importance of taking responsibility for their own actions as well as caring for the wider world. We will promote healthy living through our curriculum, the food which our kitchen will provide and by teaching children why it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle. We have a culture where mental wellness is valued and time is provided within the curriculum for children to learn mindful ways to support their own mental wellbeing. Children are encouraged to talk about their feelings and we will provide them with the vocabulary needed to explain themselves clearly. It is important for us to ensure young people understand the importance of PSHE and the values it instils, leaving them ready to play their full part in a British society.