Broomhill Infant School

Term 5

July 26, 2024

Term 5 in Fir Class!

We’ve had a brilliant fifth term of the year, learnt many interesting things, and made great memories together!

We’ve really enjoyed learning about animals, particularly their habitats. We’ve done lots of research, drawings and models linked to animals and their habitats. It’s been great to share our love of animals across the curriculum and explore it in so many different ways. We were so lucky to go on a trip to Noah’s Ark where we saw so many fascinating animals! We all loved the experience so much! We wrote amazing recounts of our day and our animal knowledge blossomed even more!!

Alongside animals, we’ve also looked at Bristol, food chains, compared Bristol and Nairobi, built dioramas on Tinkering Tuesday, experimented with clay and worked hard on our ball skills in P.E.