Broomhill Infant School

Apple Blossoms Term 6

July 19, 2024

We kicked off this term, investigating minibeasts linked to the story ‘The very Hungry Caterpillar. The children enjoyed tasting fruits and treats from the story and used blankets in our cosy areas to create their own cocoons. We’ve counted caterpillars in our sensory trays, learnt new songs and looked at different types of butterflies.

We celebrated World Ocean Day, showing great perseverance to release sea creatures frozen in ice, explored a sensory beach tuff tray, enjoyed some songs and dances , one of which has now become a firm favourite (all of the staff now have baby shark stuck in their heads!)

Following the children’s interest in animals, we have looked at the books ‘Monkey puzzle’ and ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We’ve moved our bodies to African music, created our own music, explored exotic fruits, made delicious banana milkshake and delved into jungle and safari themed tuff trays full of herbs, hay, cereals and pasta to enhance our sensory experiences.

We have made the most of the fine weather using our outside space to develop gross motor skills and build confidence in physical activities, participating in Sports Day and Olympics activities. Each child was presented with a medal and enjoyed a refreshing treat of an ice lolly to say a big Well Done!

To bring the school year to a close, we explored lots of beach related activities, incorporating lots of the children’s favourite resources-sand, water and foam!!