Broomhill Infant School

World Science Day!

January 23, 2022


On Monday 10th January it was World Science Day so Fir class became Scientists and had a very COOL experiment!
We focused on our observational skills and decided to see what would happen to blocks of ice if we poured different amounts of salt on them. Each block of ice had an animal trapped inside and we wanted to see how quickly the ice would melt so that the animal could escape.
The children were in charge of pouring the salt, timing the experiment, measuring the changes, and recording their observations on their sheets. We really enjoyed our ice escape experiment and lots of children wanted to try out the experiment again at home.


This week we have been Historians and Bakers. We found out about another famous monarch, Queen Victoria.

We found out lots of interesting facts about her and her life and made a class poster after discussing all of our new facts. We found out that Queen Victoria enjoyed a slice of cake every afternoon with her tea. To celebrate in true royal style we also had a piece of Victoria sponge cake which was super yummy!

We also worked together to make super yummy jam tarts. The children all followed a recipe and made sure we had all the ingredients and equipment to make the tarts. We followed each step and made sure we followed the instructions carefully and checked out measurements with weighing scales, a measuring jug, and a ruler. While we were waiting for the jam tarts the children also had a go at writing their own jam tart recipe.

Can the children remember any facts about Queen Victoria?