Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Maple

Term 5 Week 3

May 15, 2022

After showing interest in making sand models, we found some images of sand sculptured animals and the children used them as inspiration for their own sand sculptures. Getting the balance right between water and sand was the challenge! Continuing from last week’s animal grouping, this week the children learnt to use the term ‘Carnivore, Herbivore […]

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Term 5, week 2

May 7, 2022

This week in Maple class the children have been learning about the different animal groups. They learnt about animals that would live in the Amazon in Brazil and animals from Eastwood farm and which animal group they fit in to. Are they mammals, amphibians, fish, reptiles, birds or insects? The children also enjoyed using oil […]

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Term 5 begins…

May 1, 2022

We have had a great first week in Maple class. The learning this term is all about animals and comparing where we live with a small area in another country. We have chosen to compare our forest in Eastwood farm with the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. We will learn about animal groups and look at […]

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