Broomhill Infant School

Remembrance Day

November 11, 2022

This week we have been Historians, learning about the importance of Remembrance Day.

We held a 2 minute silence to pay our respects to those who died in the wars and we read the story ‘Flo of the Somme’ to find out about the different animals who helped during the wars.

We found out about the lives of soldiers in World War I and the wet, cold, scary conditions in the trenches. The children imagined they were soldiers and wrote letters home.

They also created some beautiful poppy art, using their knowledge of colour mixing. They added white or black to red to change the shade and then mixed blue and yellow to make green for the stem.
When they were dry the poppies were cut out and stuck onto newspaper backgrounds in a collage style.

Have a look at them in the video below: