Broomhill Infant School

This week we have been Artists, Historians and s’more lovers!!

November 5, 2021

We have had a lovely first week back in Fir Class. We have been super busy and would love to show you some of our learning from this week…

On Monday, we had our class WOW Day! Our WOW Day was all about The Gunpowder Plot!! We looked at clues, watched information videos and created a news report all about the events of the plot back in 1605. We even had a visit from guy Fawkes himself…

In art this week, we have been learning to colour mix using paint. We recapped our knowledge of the primary and secondary colours and found out how to make tertiary colours. Tertiary colours are when you mix a primary with a secondary colour. The children completed a colour wheel to explore mixing and creating new colours independently. They have all done a wonderful job and are amazing artists! Well done Fir Class!

On Friday, we had a Bonfire Night class treat… we had s’mores! Having s’mores added to the excitement of it being Bonfire Night and the children thoroughly enjoyed the experience!
P.S… I must say they were very yummy!!!