Broomhill Infant School

The Gunpowder Plot

November 6, 2022

This week we have been Hardworking Historians…

We had a brilliant first week back in Fir class learning all about The Gunpowder Plot in History. We watched three videos which explained what happened before The Gunpowder plot and the reasons why Robert Catesby and his plotters wanted to kill King James I with Guy Fawkes’ help, what happened during the plot when Guy Fawkes was caught by the King’s men in the cellar of The Houses of Parliament and lastly what happened after when Guy Fawkes and the plotters were sentenced to death with their heads placed on spikes to warn off any other plotters wanting to commit treason! We found this historic event extremely interesting and loved writing about it in English.

If you want to find out more facts or test your own knowledge about The Gunpowder Plot I would definitely recommend asking Fir class…

On Friday afternoon, we had a yummy treat to celebrate Bonfire Night and our hard work writing a recount of The Gunpowder Plot. Check out the video below to see us eating our delicious s’mores!