Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Sycamore

We are Musicians, Geographers and Scientists!

October 2, 2022

This week Sycamore Class have been busy making music, exploring materials and helping our local community. Through the week the children have been out and about around the school and local area on a litter pick. They sorted the rubbish collected into recyclable and non-recyclable materials. They also looked for different physical and human features […]

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We are Geographers!

September 18, 2022

This week Sycamore Class have been busy becoming Geographers. The children used the classroom maps they created last week to make 3D models of the classroom using lego. Some of these were really detailed, even including the class plants and finding the right shape pieces to represent the different furniture. Then they recapped their knowledge […]

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Our first week in Sycamore Class!

September 9, 2022

The children have had a great week getting to know their new classroom and catching up with their friends. We have been very busy practising our handwriting, phonics and maths skills, creating a class charter and thinking about what sort of learners we want to be this year. We have also made birds eye view […]

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