Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

Easter activities! ??

April 1, 2021

We had a fantastic last day of term, taking part in a variety of fun Easter activities! We made chocolate Easter nests and  collage eggs decorated with natural resources. We also created our own Easter cards for our families and explored halves, quarters and three quarters when decorating paper eggs. Have a wonderful Easter!

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Red Nose Day 2021

March 19, 2021

Fir Class had lots of fun on our ‘Funky Hair Friday’. Everyone enjoyed sharing their new hairstyles. There were wigs, glitter, plaits, colours, cupcakes and even dinosaurs! We started the day by watching a Comic Relief video that explained all the good causes our money would go towards helping. We then had a catwalk and […]

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Home Learning Celebration – Term 4 Week 2

March 5, 2021

Well done Fir Class! You have been amazing and have completed lots of fantastic work over the last couple of months! During our last week of home learning we have been celebrating World Book Day by designing and creating potato characters; planning, writing and reading our own Tom Fletcher stories, and using our maths skills […]

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