Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

Eid Celebrations

May 14, 2021

Everyone in Fir Class really enjoyed learning about the Muslim festival of Eid. We realised that the celebration had lots of features similar to other celebrations we have experienced and learnt about. We enjoyed making posters, cards, crescent moons, mosques, tasty coconut treats, and having henna designs on our hands. Watch our video to see […]

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Fir Class receives a surprise visit from ‘Beegu’ the alien! 04.05.21

May 6, 2021

On Tuesday morning we arrived in class to find sparkly footprints and little notes all over our classroom! We worked together to try to find out who might have left them, sharing our ideas and explaining our reasoning behind them, and eventually found the book ‘Beegu’ had been left for us. We read the story […]

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Our trip to Eastwood Farm

April 29, 2021

Today we visited Eastwood Farm to look for different animals and their habitats. We had such a lovely morning and spotted loads of animals including squirrels, robins, spiders, ducks and beetles! The children were brilliant and we all had a wonderful time!

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