Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Fir

World Science Day!

January 23, 2022

SCIENTISTS On Monday 10th January it was World Science Day so Fir class became Scientists and had a very COOL experiment! We focused on our observational skills and decided to see what would happen to blocks of ice if we poured different amounts of salt on them. Each block of ice had an animal trapped […]

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Happy New Year!

January 9, 2022

It is 2022! Fir class have had a wonderful first week back to school! It was lovely to see everyone sharing their half-term news and all excited to see their friends. For our term 3 WOW DAY, we became Kings and Queens for the day to introduce our new topic ‘monarchs’ in particular Queens. This […]

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Christmas in Fir Class!

December 15, 2021

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… We have had the best time in Fir Class doing lots of fun festive activities leading up to Christmas!! Baking Christmas shortbread We were Bakers in Fir Class on Monday. We made sure we all followed the instructions on the recipe, measured out the ingredients (which we […]

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