Broomhill Infant School

KS1 – Maple

Week 6

October 14, 2022

We have had a busy week in Maple class. We have all become bear experts and we know lots of interesting facts about different types of bears. We are particularly knowledgable about Polar bears, Sloth bears, Panda bears and Sun bears. We have started addition in Maths, confidently using the addition and equals sign whilst […]

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Week 5-

October 7, 2022

We have had another amazing week in Maple class. The children were all  fantastic  at the Harvest celebration and they sang beautifully. This week we have been very busy learning about Materials and their properties. In PE we have been improving our jumping and developing our coordination. Today every child received a Dojo for their […]

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Week 4

September 30, 2022

We have had an awesome week in Maple class and the children have worked really hard. We have made porridge, created our own instructions, used the greater and less signs < > and improved our counting. In art we have been fascinated by the artist Giuseppe Archimboldo and we have been learning different jumps during […]

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