Broomhill Infant School

Nursery – Seedlings

Term One

October 23, 2023

We have had a great first term in Seedlings class. This term we have been looking at the theme- Marvelous Me! We have discovered and shared about ourselves and learned about our community. The teachers are all proud of how the children in Seedlings have come together to create a classroom community! Our story for […]

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Harvest and WOW Day!

October 3, 2023

In Seedlings class we have been having fun learning about Harvest. We looked at foods and talked about how they are grown, learning that even most foods from the grocery store start on the farm. We have also played a fun harvesting game, where we harvested apples from the tree. Children have explored farms through […]

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First week of the new school year

September 9, 2023

We are off to a stupendous start in our Seedlings nursery class. Children have done so well coming into the classroom and have enjoyed making use of the class environment both indoors and outdoors. This week, children have had an interest in painting, shape exploration, and insect hunting to name a few. At circle times […]

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