Broomhill Infant School

Marvellous Maths!

June 17, 2022

Today we celebrated all things Maths and had lots of fun using all the skills we’ve learned this year.
We spent time playing mathematical games made up by children in other classes and enjoyed being taught the rules and adding up our scores. We then hosted groups of children from Year 1, Reception, Nursery and Blossoms and helped them play one of our class games.

As we have been practising our measuring skills and learning about statistics, we decided to combine the two today and had a go at finding out the different shoe sizes in Sycamore Class.
We measured our shoes in centimetres using a ruler then recorded our results in a tally chart. We then used Purple Mash to create a graph to show the results.

We also had fun playing lots of board games in class together- thank you to everyone who shared their games and helped their friends learn the rules!

Miss Hayley surprised us with ice lollies during Golden Time which helped us cool down in the heat!

We had such a fun day! Have a look at our video below: